Fire Safety Checks You Should Do At Least Once a Year
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Chances are, you know that you should change the batteries in your smoke detectors at least once a year — even if you suspect the batteries are still good.
But that isn't the only fire safety check you should do annually. Here are some other recommended tips to help keep you and your family safe.
- Clean your stove burners and oven regularly. Hard grease build-up can become combustible.
- Check your cupboard for cleaning products, paints and other liquids that are flammable. Read each label carefully. Use and store each product only as recommended.
- If you keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen — and you should — confirm that it is still good. Extinguishers are like food. They have expiry dates!
- Go over your fire escape plan with…
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The ripple effects of lower oil production and investment
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The Ripple Effects Of Lower Oil Production and Investment |
ATB Economics | July 14, 2020
Between the pandemic and oil price crash, oil producers in Alberta have been compelled to cut both capital expenditures and production. This, in turn, means fewer jobs, lower exports, reduced demand for goods and services used by the oil sector, truncated government royalties and stunted economic growth overall. |
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Is the Psychology of Change Holding You Back?
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Why is making a big change in life often so difficult?
According to psychologists, maintaining the "status quo" is one of the most powerful motivations we have. If things are "okay", even making a change for the better can be difficult. Our brains resist.
You may have experienced this if you’ve thought about selling your current property and finding your next dream home. Your house may be "good enough" for you now and the neighborhood might be "okay" too. So, even if your dream is to get into a better home that's more suited to your family and lifestyle, you may be hesitant.
That's just the way the psychology works.
One way to get around this psychology is to get your dream out of your head and on to paper. Write…
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Emergency Preparedness
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Emergency Preparedness
Emergency situations, or States of Emergency, can happen when you least expect it. The 2013 flooding in Southern Alberta is proof that all citizens need to be prepared for any type of emergency situation. We have provided some information on how to be prepared for emergency situations should the event arise.
The main thing is to have an emergency preparedness kit ready. Included in this kit should be enough resources to last at least 72 hours:
~ 4 litres of water per person for 3 days. (Note that the water from the toilet tank and hot water tank can be utilized.)
~ 3 days, or more, worth of food. Include items that do not spoil and are easy to prepare: energy bars, canned goods, dried fruit and nuts.
~ Non-electric…
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Edmonton Real Estate Statistics for June 2020
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Edmonton Real Estate Statistics for June 2020 | Maxwell Devonshire Realty
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Edmonton Real Estate Statistics for June 2020
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Edmonton Real Estate Statistics for June 2020 | Maxwell Devonshire Realty
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The Mortgage Process
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The Mortgage Process
Purchasing a home is a lengthy process, which includes find your dream home. Needless to say, a house is a big deal, and you want to make sure you choose wisely. Below are few tips to get you on your way to home ownership.
Pre-qualify for a mortgage: It’s a good idea to understand what type of house you will be able to afford according to your income and your debt. Pre-qualifying for a mortgage will give you an advantage in the event you find a home that you love.
Find a property: Become knowledgeable about how homes cost in certain areas that you are interested in. It will give you a better understanding of what is out there and what you can afford.
Paperwork: Once you find a property, a real estate agent will draw up a…
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House Painting Tips
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House Painting Tips
Preparing the area:
Fill holes by using a filler or spackle. Make sure to dry completely, then sand.
Scrape off old paint or sand walls so the area is smooth.
Clean walls
Priming the walls: Priming isn’t absolutely necessary, but it will help the paint adhere properly, and hide any dark colours or stains.
Stir paint: Paint colour will separate. Make sure to stir thoroughly, especially if the paint has been sitting for an extended period of time.
Gather your painting tools: putty knife, filler, sandpaper, rags, paint can opener, paint tray, stir sticks, angled paint brush, roller, roller cover, roller extension pole, drop cloth, and painter’s tape.
Tape the appropriate areas so you won’t get paint on the parts…
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