How to Deal with a Competitive Disadvantage

If you’re selling your home and there are other listings in your area, buyers will naturally compare your property to those other listings.
Is there something about your home that you’re concerned will be seen as a competitive disadvantage? For example, do you have a small kitchen or fewer bedrooms than most other homes in the neighbourhood?

There are a few things you can do to compensate for such disadvantages.

First, highlight the advantageous features of your home. Chances are, there are characteristics that make it stand out. For example, the look and style of your home may…

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Cleaning Tips for Instantly Improving Curb Appeal

As you may know, curb appeal refers to how your property looks from the street, where potential buyers first see it. Your home’s curb appeal can have a big impact on the sale of your property.
In fact, it’s not uncommon for a buyer to drive by a listing, rather than stop, because they don’t like what they see.

So, how can you improve your home’s curb appeal quickly? One way is to do some outside cleaning.

Start with the main entryway. Wash down the front door and sweep (or power wash) the front steps. It only takes a few minutes, but you’d be surprised by the impact it can…

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Creating the “Wow” Effect in Buyers

It’s incredible how quickly people form first impressions. According to some studies, people can develop lasting opinions within seconds of seeing someone, something, or someplace new. 

That’s why, when preparing your property for sale, it’s important to do everything you can to make sure it looks attractive to buyers.

Nowhere does this first impression phenomenon play out more than when a buyer first enters your home. The moment they walk through your front door, they’ll look around, take in the scene and form an impression.

Ideally, you want that crucial first impression to be,…

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Is this your Year to Get Gardening?

Whether you have a large backyard or a modest balcony, gardening is fast becoming one of the most popular pastimes across the land. Homeowners have become more focused on their property’s appearance and productivity, while also recognizing how gardening can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Whether you are interested in nurturing beautiful blooms and bushes, or cultivating home-grown herbs and vegetables, a little planning will give you lasting enjoyment. One of the first things you need to do is to identify your microclimate in order to determine its suitability for growing specific…

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When you decide to put your house up for sale, we will start by working together to determine the market value of your property. That’s important to know because if you price your home too much above its market value, you probably won’t get any offers. Alternatively, if you price your property too low, it might get snapped up quickly, but you’ll have left a lot of money on the table.
So how do we determine your home’s current market value?

We will look at a variety of factors, such as the desirability of the neighbourhood, the features of your home, how well it has been maintained, renovations and other improvements…

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There are many reasons why selling your current home before buying another one may be a good idea. But, once you’ve made that decision, you may still worry that you won’t find another home to buy after you sell.

Fortunately, there’s plenty you can do to minimize that possibility.

For example, if you sell first, you’ll know exactly how much you’ll be able to put towards a new home. Having that specific number in your back pocket will enable you to target your search and jump on buying opportunities right away. When you see a home you like, you won’t have to wonder, “Can we afford it?”

Creating a buying plan…

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