When buyers view your property, they’re likely to visit each room and look around. Their imagination is turned on high. Often, within just a few moments in a space, they’ll form an impression — ideally, a positive one!

So, how do you ensure each room shows well? Here’s what buyers want to see:

1. Space. Buyers will often mentally fit their furniture into a room when they see it. So, make sure each room is uncluttered and staged in a way that showcases its spaciousness.

2. Functionality. Buyers want to see the room for what it is. So, if it’s a bedroom, but you’ve turned it into an exercise room, it might…

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It seems like every month there is a new website offering deals on everything from electronics to travel. In fact, the “coupon industry” is booming.
This trend has conditioned people, more than ever before, to look for bargains and become determined to pay well below the market price for merchandise. There’s nothing wrong with that. We all want a deal!

But when it comes to shopping for a home, bargain hunting can be a bad idea.

First of all, the real estate market is competitive. The overwhelming majority of homes sell for a price that is at, or close to, their respective market values. Your chances of finding a property that is listed significantly below its market value is slim to none.

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